Political Science 100 was a class very similar to several of our other history classes, and also a course we were taking concurrently, American Democracy/Government. Essentially, PoliSci educated us on how our country's government worked. We looked in-depth into how our Constitution was formed and the basis upon which it's principles were drawn. Afterwards, we studied how the government works in its present state, studying the separate branches. We looked at the judicial branch and its power of determining the constitutionality of laws. We looked at the executive branch and its power of veto over the legislative. We spent a great deal of time studying the legislative branch to understand how the various buearacracies worked within that branch of the government.
Anthropology, that is the study of culture, was one of the mandatory classes we had to take this year. It is an extremely interesting class where we study various cultures from all over the world, along with the societal elements that go with those cultures. We examined the methods of anthropological research and also theoretical orientations of culture in the class. Particularly interesting lessons included the study of fossil casts of pre-Homo sapiens skulls. Also the studies into the variations between modern cultures and first versus third world cultures was illuminating and captivating.
In Geology 100, we undertake a comprehensive study of the concepts covered by geology. We have studied everything from mass wasting to volcanism to the rock cycle. Every subject ties together with another, often with portions of the lessons often overlapping. By and large, the class is mostly lecture, with the occassional surprise thrown in, such as a chance to examine nearly perfect quartz crystals. Some lectures that captured my attention in particular include the ones later in the semester concerning mass wasting events, which involve the sudden movement of a large mass of rock or other form of land.
Humanities, or humanitas, is the study of being human. We looked into Western humanity, and studied the creations of Western civilizations since the beginning of recorded history. While the primary focus was on arts, we also brushed over warfare throughout history and religion. Extensive study was put in to understanding the differences between various eras such as the Renaissance versus the Middle Ages versus Roman times. Every era offered different philosophies about life, and it was our job, as the student, to recognize some of those differences.